Mike Steineke

UEFI & Secure Boot


As some of you know, I have had a ton of problems with Direct Access and my new fancy Lenovo Helix.  I decided that the best way to determine what driver or application that came pre-loaded was causing the problems, was to just start with a fresh base install of Windows 8 Enterprise, and add from there.  Simple, right, I've loaded or reloaded hundreds or possibly thousands of workstations - not so much... after a couple hours fooling around with the UEFI BIOS, searching and reading, and getting it almost to work...  I finally went to a backup plan, call someone who I know has reloaded a UEFI BIOS machine, and ask, "What's the trick?"  So I ping a friend of mine at Microsoft, Larry Clarkin @larryclarkin, after a few minutes he had solved my issue, and has written a blog post on it, http://eraserandcrowbar.com/2013/06/19/Windows8UEFISecureBootOnCleanInstall.aspx

Hopefully this will alleviate frustration from others who are having the same problem!